<p style="text-align: left;">For over 30 years, retired police officer <strong>Pastor Tim Rupp</strong> has been trying to figure out how to break through the police subculture and reach police officers with the gospel. Most do not realize this culture exists and the power it holds. It’s not uncommon for officers to become very skeptical and distrusting of anyone outside of the policing culture. Even as part of that culture, it was hard for Tim to gain credibility with cynical and untrusting officers. To bridge the gap, Tim wrote Winning a Gunfight. The book makes an instant connection with police officers and includes a clear presentation of the gospel. Not long after the book was published in 2016, Tim began traveling the country, giving seminars based on the book, and the Strong Blue Line ministry began.</p><p style="text-align: left;">To reach even more officers and their families, MICM has partnered with the <strong>Strong Blue Line Foundation</strong>. Tim and Sherry are stepping out in faith into full-time ministry. For more information, contact <a href="/lem">MIC Law Enforcement Ministries</a>.</p><p style="text-align: left;">If you would like to join the Make It Clear financial team in support of Tim and Sherry, you can click on the button below or mail a check to Make It Clear, 9810 Scenic Hills Dr., San Antonio, TX 78255.</p>