Dr. Stan Ponz
Dr. Stan Ponz serves as founder and president of Make It Clear Ministries and president of Clarity Christian College. He is married to his high school sweetheart Carol, who led him to the Lord in 1966.
Stan Ponz received his BA and ThB from Florida Bible College and M.Div and Doctor of Ministry degree from Luther Rice University and Seminary with an emphasis in leadership, church health and growth, Biblical exposition, and pastoral ministries. He is the founder and president of Make It Clear Ministries and the president of Clarity Christian College.
As a pastor since 1983, Dr. Ponz has pastored four churches. He knows the heart of people and shepherding in different environments, using biblical principles for church health to improve member involvement while reducing conflict.
As an educator, Dr. Ponz served in administration and as adjunct faculty at four Bible Colleges, two of which were Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois, and Word of Life Bible Institute in Schroon Lake, New York. He also served on the board of advisors for one of America’s leading seminaries in Southern California. Dr. Ponz founded a ministry training institute and a certified Bible College. He serves as president of Clarity Christian College in San Antonio, TX, while consulting various churches and Christian schools in conflict resolution, vision casting, pastoral and leadership searches, and church and ministry health and growth. Stan and his wife Carol train church planters and their wives in various Training Centers, Bible Colleges, and Seminaries worldwide.
As a speaker, Dr. Ponz has spoken at numerous churches and Bible Conferences around the world. He has conducted training for many business and professional people in improving people and task skills, staff development, team building, vision casting, conflict resolution, and wellness, and at various men’s and youth events, including Christian School chapels and retreats. His passion is also to help churches become healthy and vibrant.
As a writer, he has written numerous study manuals on theology, books of the Bible, and pamphlets on evangelism and discipleship, including evangelism-training materials for Promise Keepers. He has also participated on the speaking and writing team for the Men’s Ministry Workbook for the two training seminars used by Promise Keepers that equipped pastors and church leaders to get more men effectively involved in men’s ministries. His new book, Our Pastor Is Gone, What Now?, is available in the Marketplace at www.MakeItClear.org.
As a youth leader, Dr. Ponz has launched youth ministries. One had grown from six teenagers to over 400 in less than one year. He is a national youth conference speaker and trains youth workers.
As a Christian counselor, Dr. Ponz founded a Christian counseling center that became its city’s largest and second oldest. Many marriages have been restored, and relationships healed using a Biblical model Stan developed.
Dr. Ponz has conducted “How to Develop A Men’s Ministry” and “Building Men of Integrity” seminars for Promise Keepers as a seminar presenter. He also teaches “Discover Your Divine Design” seminars on church assimilation and health. In addition, he has also conducted seminars on topics such as evangelism and discipleship training, team building, conflict resolution, leadership development, staff development, church health, assimilation, wellness, spiritual gifts, healthy marriages and families, men’s issues, and financial freedom.
As a media broadcaster, Dr. Ponz is the Bible teacher and host of the national radio program and podcast network Make It Clear. Stan hosted for many years a live call-in talk program. He also participates as a guest on numerous radio and television programs nationwide. He is now filming a new television program called Issues and Answers for Today.
His wife, Carol, enjoys ministering to women as a speaker in women’s Bible studies, conferences, and events.
There is a combination of genuine passion and proven substance as Stan and Carol present God’s Word correctly, clearly, and compassionately to help people come to faith alone in Jesus Christ and become fully obedient worshippers of God.
Stan is often invited to be a guest on numerous radio and television programs nationwide.