Winning a Gunfight Seminar

Does physically surviving a gunfight mean you won? Not by a long shot. Many people survive gunfights. In fact, most people who are in a gunfight survive. But there is a difference between surviving and winning. Surviving means you continue to exist. Continuing to exist and winning are not the same.

Everyone who carries a gun for personal protection or the protection of others needs to understand what they will face before, during, and after a gunfight. This seminar, which is based on Tim’s book Winning a Gunfight, helps prepare the modern warrior to win in the event they face a deadly foe. This seminar was specifically developed for law enforcement officers and use-of-force instructors. However, military members, armed private security personnel, firearm/tactics instructors, and armed citizens all benefit from the critical topics discussed. Law enforcement officers may receive POST training hours. This seminar meets Idaho POST requirement for Use of Force training. Every student receives a copy of Winning a Gunfight. Seminars range from two to eight hours ($69-$119 per student). Contact us for more information.

Event Details

Start Date: September 12, 2024

Start Time: 09:30 AM

End Time: 03:30 PM